Gwendolyn Kassenaar

Gwendolyn Kassenaar

Gwendolyn Kassenaar (b.1973 Amsterdam) works across painting, drawing and performance. A London-based graduate of Chelsea College of Art, she investigates the intersection of sound, the body and spirituality.

She made her public art debut with live painted mural ‘Dance to Ecstacy’ in Shoreditch, commissioned by Outside The Zone. (2021). For the Bloomsbury Festival 2022 she conceived ‘A Trajectory to Unsuffocation’, an innovative live performance with a contemporary dancer addressing self-discovery and empowerment.

Her work has recently been exhibited in the Yehudi Menuhin Concert Hall (Music the Muse 2022), Toulouse Lautrec Jazz Club (Jazz in Art 2021), Vortex Jazz Club (Freedom for the EFG London Jazz Festival 2021) amongst others. She held solo shows ‘ENIGMA | In the Present Moment’ (2022) at Boo’s Gallery, Notting Hill and ‘Transcendence’ (2021) in Shoreditch. Her work features on album covers and is owned by private and corporate collectors in the UK, Netherlands,Germany and Spain.

As part of her collaborative and experimental practice Gwendolyn creates live improvised art on stage with musicians and dancers. She performed at renowned music and art venues such as Cafe Oto, Hundred Years Gallery, Iklectik, and SOAS University. She works with highly regarded musicians including Orphy Robinson MBE, Maggie Nicols, Beibei Wang and Hyelim Kim. She co-founded improvising collective ‘The Noisy Women’. Her work featured in iconic magazine The Wire and she was interviewed on Soho Radio and Portobello Radio.






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