Sue Lynch

Sue Lynch

Sue Lynch, works as an experimental saxophonist. Through solo compositions and improvising with other musicians, she explores the outer margins of conventional and altered sound production within the tenor saxophone. She curates The Horse Improvised Music Club with Adam Bohman and Adrian Northover. Currently performs with Sudanese musicians The Scorpios, playing at European and UK Festivals. In 2016 she formed, ‘Paradise Yard’ an electro acoustic ensemble, featuring women improvisers. Recently performed at 3 Klange Tag Music &Word Festival, Switzerland and Pied Nu Festival in France. Recent recordings and performances with Crystabel Riley, Anna Homler, Sharon Gal, Caroline Kraabel, Hutch Demouilpied, John Edwards, Adam Bohman, N.O.Moore and Sophie Sleigh-Johnson.







Arts Council Our Place Foundation Rich Mix